Best Ways to Watch Every NCAA College Basketball Team
Cord-cutters and cord-nevers can watch NCAA College Basketball games live without cable using Live TV streaming options. Follow a link below and we'll help you decide which streaming option is best to watch your favorite teams without cable.
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- Akron
- Alabama
- Alabama-Birmingham
- Albany (N.Y.)
- Alcorn State
- Appalachian State
- Arizona
- Arizona State
- Arkansas
- Arkansas State
- Auburn
- Baylor
- Bellarmine
- Belmont
- Boise State
- Boston College
- Bradley
- Bradley Braves
- Bryant
- Buffalo
- Butler
- Cal State Fullerton
- California
- Campbell
- Chaminade
- Charleston
- Charlotte
- Cincinnati
- Clemson
- Cleveland State
- Colorado
- Colorado State
- Connecticut
- Coppin State
- Creighton
- Davidson
- Dayton
- Delaware State
- Detroit Mercy
- Drake
- Drake Bulldogs
- Duke
- Duquesne
- East Carolina
- Eastern Illinois
- Eastern Kentucky
- Elon
- Florida
- Florida Atlantic
- Florida State
- Fresno State
- Furman
- Gardner-Webb
- George Mason
- George Washington
- Georgetown
- Georgia
- Georgia State
- Georgia Tech
- Gonzaga
- Grambling State
- Harvard
- Hawaii
- Hofstra
- Houston
- Howard
- Illinois
- Illinois State
- Indiana
- Indiana State
- Iona
- Iowa
- Iowa State
- Jackson State
- Jacksonville
- James Madison
- Kansas
- Kansas State
- Kennesaw State
- Kent State
- Kentucky
- Liberty
- Lipscomb
- Longwood
- Louisiana
- Louisville
- Loyola Marymount
- Loyola-Chicago
- Maine
- Manhattan
- Marist
- Marquette
- Marshall
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- McNeese State
- Memphis
- Mercer
- Merrimack
- Miami
- Miami (Ohio)
- Michigan
- Michigan State
- Milwaukee School of Engineering
- Minnesota
- Mississippi State
- Missouri
- Missouri State
- Monmouth
- Montana
- Montana State
- Morehead State
- Morgan State
- Mount St. Mary's
- Murray State
- NC State
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- Norfolk State
- North Alabama
- North Carolina
- North Carolina Central
- North Dakota State
- North Texas
- Northern Arizona
- Northern Iowa
- Northern Kentucky
- Northwestern
- Northwestern State
- Notre Dame
- Oakland
- Ohio
- Ohio State
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma State
- Old Dominion
- Ole Miss
- Omaha
- Oral Roberts
- Oregon
- Oregon State
- Penn State
- Pennsylvania
- Pepperdine
- Pittsburgh
- Portland
- Portland State
- Prairie View A&M
- Princeton
- Providence
- Purdue
- Purdue Fort Wayne
- Rhode Island
- Rice
- Richmond
- Robert Morris
- Rutgers
- Saint Joseph's
- Saint Louis
- Saint Mary's (Calif.)
- Saint Peter's
- Sam Houston State
- Samford
- San Diego
- San Diego State
- San Francisco
- Santa Clara
- Seattle
- Seton Hall
- Siena
- South Alabama
- South Carolina
- South Carolina State
- South Carolina Upstate
- South Florida
- Southeast Missouri State
- Southeastern Louisiana
- Southern
- Southern Mississippi
- St. Bonaventure
- St. John's
- Stanford
- Stephen F. Austin State
- Stetson
- Syracuse
- Temple
- Tennessee
- Tennessee Tech
- Texas
- Texas A&M
- Texas A&M-Corpus Christi
- Texas Southern
- Texas Tech
- Texas-Arlington
- The Citadel
- Toledo
- Tulane
- Tulsa
- UC Irvine
- UNC-Asheville
- UNC-Greensboro
- UT-Chattanooga
- UT-Martin
- Utah
- Utah State
- Utah Valley
- Vanderbilt
- Vermont
- Villanova
- Virginia
- Virginia Tech
- Wagner
- Wake Forest
- Washington
- Washington State
- West Virginia
- Western Kentucky
- Wichita State
- Winthrop
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Wofford
- Wright State
- Wyoming
- Xavier
- Youngstown State
Local Channels and Regional Sports Networks
CBS is the home of NCAA Basketball and has been airing March Madness since 1982. Local CBS channels as well as CBS Sports will have coverage of college basketball.
National Channel and Broadcasts
There are various national channels that air college basketball depending on the team. Turner network channels like TBS, TNT, ad TruTV will air the March Madness tournament alongside CBS while channels part of the ESPN network (ESPN2, ESPN3, and ESPNU), Fox Sports, and NBC Sports channels may feature various teams during the regular season.
How to Get Around Local Streaming Blackouts
If you are trying to watch your local team and are experiencing location based restrictions, you might want to consider using a VPN. Location based restrictions occur because local broadcasters receive priority when it comes to broadcasting rights. The solution is to watch the stream from a different location. With a VPN you are able to toggle your location for convenience and security while you stream.